This standard drafts the unit: National Tourism Administration of the P. R. C. quality standardization and management department. 本标准起草单位:中华人民共和国国家旅游局质量规范与管理司。
The development of U. S.-P. R. C. military relations began soon after our normalization of diplomatic relations in January 1979. 美中两国军事关系的发展在1979年1月我们两国外交关系正常化之后不久就开始了。
P. R. C. stands for the People's Republic of China. 三个字母是中华人民共和国的缩写。
The content of P. C. Significance of classifying preservation for serum of entry-exit personnel 出入境人员血清分类保存的意义
Combustion in furnace, the ambient oxygen concentration is decreased monotonously and the change of oxygen concentration of p. c. surface is nonlinear. 颗粒在炉内流动燃烧过程中,环境中氧气浓度值是单调减少的,煤焦表面氧的浓度是非线性变化的。
RESULTS: There were no significant differences in above indices except for lower G-6-Pase activity on 0, 1, 2 d and glucose synthesis on 2,7 d. The content of P. C. Blood sample was then centrifuged and serum was retained. 结果:无血清培养的猪肝细胞各项指标除G-6-Pase活性在0,1,2d较低、葡萄糖合成功能在2,7d较低外,其余与含血清培养基培养的肝细胞无显著差异。
The serum level of MDA decreased significantly after reperfusion; The content of P. C. 血清MDA含量降低;
The concept and characteristic of the P. C. 人大监督的概念和特征;
Conclusions CITP is a new method for separation and quantification of serum lipoproteins and cholesterols, and the results may rapidly, sensitively reflect status of lipid metabolism. The content of P. C. 结论CITP可快速、灵敏分离定量血清脂蛋白及其胆固醇含量,可用于临床分析脂质代谢异常。
The improved P. C. Chou formula 周培基抛射角公式的改进
Serum calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc appeared to increase significantly whereas serum iron decreased remarkably. Blood sample was then centrifuged and serum was retained. The content of P. C. 结论晕船对血清矿物质含量有显著影响,表现为血清钙、磷、镁、锌升高,血清铁下降,血清铜含量变化不显著。
And by the Load Spec, of Industrial and Civil Buildings ( P. R. C.) is accomplished, starting with the basic principles of wind load. Some corresponding suggestions are made. 本文从风载荷的基本原理出发,对美国API规范和我国工业与民用建筑荷载规范对石油井架的风载荷处理进行了对比研究,并提出了相应的建议。
Blood sample was then centrifuged and serum was retained. The content of P. C. Analysis of the significance of basal follicle stimulating hormone/ luteinizing hormone ratio in the assessment of ovarian response 基础血清卵泡刺激素/黄体生成素比值评估卵巢反应性价值的探讨
The progress of syphilitic serum text and its correlation with clinic The content of P. C. TESTING 梅毒血清试验进展与临床关联
The content of P. C. Paraoxonase in Human Serum 人血清中的对氧磷酶
This method has been used to determine trace selenium in blood and urine with good results. Blood sample was then centrifuged and serum was retained. The content of P. C. 试用于人体血清及头发样品中微量硒测定,结果满意。
Supervision; ( 3) The corpus and object of the P. C. 人大监督的主体与对象;
Conclusion The determination of enolase level, especially NSE of serum, is valuable for the diagnosis of patients with Rb. Blood sample was then centrifuged and serum was retained. The content of P. C. 结论血清烯醇化酶尤其NSE含量测定对Rb患者有一定的辅助诊断价值。
Blood urea nitrogen decreased significantly, whereas serum testosterone, estradiol,β-endorphin and growth hormone increased obviously. The content of P. C. 血清脲氮水平显著下降,血清睾酮、雌二醇、生长激素和β-内啡肽含量显著提高。
The content of P. C. radioimmunoassay of serum concentrations of testosterone and LH in male rats administered with gossypol 服棉酚大白鼠血清睾丸酮和LH含量的放射免疫测定
The content of P. C. Clinical significance of detection of serum pre S_1 protein in patients with hepatitis B 血清前S1蛋白在HBV检测中临床意义
The content of P. C. Influence of Asparagus on Serum CIC Level 芦笋降低血清免疫复合物含量的作用
The content of P. C. Changes of sialic acid ( SA), Hyaluronic Acid ( HA) and total mercapto ( T-SH) in sera in the patients with pneumoconiosis 尘肺患者血清唾液酸、透明质酸及总巯基含量的变化
Blood sample was then centrifuged and serum was retained. The content of P. C. The analysis of changes of serous lipids of uremia after hemodialysis 尿毒症血液透析血清脂质变化的分析
After closing grassland for eight years, the moisture content of soil on the surface was increased by 3.2%, and the total content of nitrogen and phosphate of soil was alse increased. The content of P. C. 封育8年增加了1.06%,土壤全氮全磷亦有明显增加,土壤表层含水量增加了3.2%;
Methods NO was estimated by detecting nitrite in serum of 21 primary hepatocarcinoma hepatitis including intermediated and advanced stage, and 36 health controls. The content of P. C. Blood sample was then centrifuged and serum was retained. 方法检测21例中晚期原发性肝癌患者及36例健康对照者血清亚硝酸盐水平间接反应血清NO的含量,前者与所测量瘤体最大径进行相关分析。
This sensitive and simple fractionation method is successfully applied to the speciation of Al in biological fluids and the results are satisfied with other routine methods. The content of P. C. Blood sample was then centrifuged and serum was retained. 这种灵敏、简单的形态分析方法成功地应用于对人血清,脑脊液等体液中铝形态分析,并与超滤、渗析等方法进行比较,结果一致。
Supervision; ( 4) The P. C. supervision with western parliament its comparison. 我国人大监督制度与西方议会监督之比较。
Methods Rats were stimulated with rotation to evoke motion sickness, and then plasma levels of renin and angiotensin and serum level of aldosterone were analyzed with radioimmunoassay. Blood sample was then centrifuged and serum was retained. The content of P. C. 方法以诱发运动病的旋转刺激大鼠,用放射免疫法测定此时血浆肾素、血管紧张素及血清醛固酮的水平,并观察生姜合剂(灌胃1.8ml/200g体重,生药含量1g/ml)对它们的影响。